Even More Advance Tickets on Sale!

Now that we've announced our full 2015 schedule, even more single tickets for Sled Island shows are now on sale!
From the indie folk of Juan Wauters to the pummeling hardcore of Turnstile, the flawless electropop of Jessy Lanza to the art rock of Carla Bozulich, we have you covered. We've also added tickets for two special film screenings at Sled Island: A City Is An Island (with shorts including Dude, That's Insane: A Tribute to Chris Reimer) screens on Monday, June 22 at Commonwealth and Danny Says (with Danny Fields and director Brendan Toller in attendance) screens on Tuesday, June 23 at The Hifi Club.
Click here for full listings of all individually ticketed options or head to the shop and get it all with a pass.