Volunteers Needed For Elbow River Casino Shifts

Volunteers needed!
If you're feeling comfortable doing a volunteer shift (masked, of course), we have an upcoming casino with shifts that need to be filled. These are incredibly important shifts for the festival, so any help would be greatly appreciated (and hours banked count towards a 2022 festival pass)!
Tuesday, October 26th @ Elbow River Casino
Morning shifts: 11am-7:30pm
Night shifts: 6:45pm-3:30am
Count room shifts: 11:15pm-3:30am
Wednesday, October 27th @ Elbow River Casino
Morning shifts: 11am-7:30pm
Night shifts: 6:45pm-3:30am
Count room shifts: 11:15pm-3:30am
First off, we want to say that if you don't feel comfortable being in a public space, of course we understand. The last thing we'd want is to add is any anxiety or safety concerns to your plate. If, however, you do feel comfortable, we could use more volunteers to fill these shifts. The basics of the shift are that there's no experience required, that all volunteers will be masked, and that each shift comes with a well-stocked snack room and a meal on us. As well, hours done during the casino count for 1.5x hours towards a 2022 pass!
If you're interested, please email volunteer@sledisland.com with the shift or shifts you'd like to take, and we'll confirm ASAP (thank you in advance)!
Either way, thank you for your time and we hope you're well above all else!
BIPOC Comedy Writing Workshop and Live Show With Nour Hadidi

We’re very excited to announce that we have partnered with comedian and Sled Island alum Nour Hadidi and her BIPOC Comedy Writing Collective for two very special online events!
Join us on October 21 at 7pm MDT for the BIPOC Comedy Writing Collective LIVE Show! A one night only special live presentation of some of the best comics from the BIPOC Comedy Writing Collective! Hosted by Nour Hadidi, and featuring Anasimone George, Brandon Ash-Mohammed, and Hoodo Hersi, these comics have made appearances on Just For Laughs, CBC, Comedy Network and The Kevin Hart LOL Network!
Then on October 23, we’re incredibly proud to present the BIPOC Comedy Writing Workshop! This two-and-a-half-hour online workshop is a space for you to collaborate with other BIPOC creatives. Learn how to establish good writing habits and start to set writing goals for yourself; find your comedic voice and your inspiration; discover what makes others laugh! This workshop is open to BIPOC creatives with a keen interest in writing, or comedy (or both)!
There will be a 30 minute Collaboration Session immediately following the workshop - specifically designed for individual feedback, industry questions and idea sharing.
Start time is 1pm MDT. Limited to 10 participants. No experience necessary. Admission is $30, but please reach out to info@sledisland.com if price is a barrier to participation.