All-Ages Reps' Picks

Hey, under-18 pals! Exams are almost done, which means it's almost time to party! To help you plan your Sled Island schedules, we had our All-Ages Reps comb through the lineup to let us know their picks. Read all about what has them excited below and check out our All-Ages page for more info and to get your All-Ages Pass. We can't wait to see you guys at the festival!
Sofia Daschle, Grade 8
Not quite metal, but almost a genre of its own, Crosss is definitely an act worth seeing. With roots in post-punk, their brooding melodies and guitar lines will have you captivated. Find them at Tubby Dog on Thursday, June 25.
Isis Graham
Following Sled Island's Instagram, I was surprised to see that Isis Graham is a DJ! I know Isis from my music studio (Beat Drop), and I know I'll be checking out her beats at the East Village Block Party on Thursday, June 25.
Born in Toronto, WHIMM is a three person post-punk band. Their strong, fast beats mix perfectly with the distant sounding vocals on their records. Make sure you check out what is going to be an excellent show at Tubby Dog on Thursday, June 25.
Curtis Wilson, Grade 11
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
It is the beautiful chaos you never thought you would fall in love with. Godspeed You! Black Emperor is a powerhouse band from Montreal that disbanded in 2003 only to be brought back together in 2012 for a phenomenally well-received album ('Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!). Performing Thursday, June 25 and Friday, June 26 at the picturesque Central United Church, GY!BE is the powerhouse band of the festival that you (and I) do not want to miss!
Radioheaded 3: A Listening Party to Watch
One Yellow Rabbit's Denise Clarke and her Beautiful Young Artists take the stage and physically reimagine Radiohead's sixth studio album Hail to the Thief. This ensemble is certain to produce a masterpiece, incorporating their own unique talents and intermingling them with those of the beloved Radiohead. They are playing from Wednesday, June 24 to Saturday, June 27 at the Big Secret Theatre, and this is a secret you most definitely want in on.
Thor Harris on Mental Illness
Thor Harris is a studio veteran, having played with bands such as Ben Frost (who is performing at Sled Island this year), Swans (who were at Sled Island in 2013), and many, many more. Harris' discussion on Thursday, June 25 at the Theatre Junction GRAND Studio will touch on the prevalent link between creativity and mental illness within artistic communities, as well as share his own experiences. This is a master of his craft sharing insight on one of the largest struggles in his life, and a truly unique experience for this year's Sled Island lineup.
Maddison Zapach, Grade 11
Hypnotic Brass Ensemble
I am most looking forward to the Hypnotic Brass Ensemble, playing Saturday, July 27 at the Olympic Plaza. I dig their incredibly entertaining and multifaceted performance style. Their unique spin on brass music, incorporating elements of jazz, hip-hop and calypso, is sure to make for a legendary show.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
The Godspeed You! Black Emperor show, in terms of my inevitable level of self-embarrassment and excitement, is another contender for first place. Their music, stripped of words and vocals, is so powerful and visual that it’s difficult for me not to phase out reality completely and buy into the wonderfully terrifying dramatics of their songs as I listen. This is surely the most popular band on Sled Island’s lineup this year, and I’m sure all who see and hear will testify that their post-rock sound shook the seats of Central United Church, where they’ll play on Thursday, June 25 and Friday, June 26.
Son Lux
Son Lux is another band that I am incredibly pumped to see. Their song “Lost it to Trying” has this crazy ability to be relevant in both my happy and my sad moments, and is what a 2011-version of myself would have described as “epic.” You will certainly see me amidst the crowd of music lovers on Wednesday, June 24 when the band plays Central United Church.